A fair and decent pool network, built by a Professional Engineer. Simple. No big words. Just_Online.
GRC1 network pool went online on the 8th of October 2020. It was a mature move of our head Sysadmin Ioannis who happened to have a small amount of ADA left in a big exchange. While watching and being a passenger of the ADA train since the late of 2017s, he started investing small amounts of Euros on it. Why making the pool now and not in day1 of Shelley? Well, cryptos are a very high risk currency game so every move has to be taken under very serious consideration, so u gotta be preety sure of your next move. The gained trust on the team of Cardano, came up with the Genesis of GRC1.
Below you will find some interesting pies fetched every day from #Cardano's ledger.
Data updated at [2023-10-24 10:04:30 EEST]
GRC1 is proud to be the only pool with dFactor: 9 !!!
The truth: The majority of the stake pools out there run on Virtual Machines. A bare metal setup makes no difference to the performance of the node, at this time of writing. Stake pools need: RAM, a Healthy Network, Uptime, and a lot of sysadmin skills. Nothing more, Nothing less. So here we are, summarised:
Staking to a #Cardano $ADA Pool is very easy!
➛ Choose your faviourite wallet: We strongly encourage you to use the Officially supported wallets: Daedalus, Yoroi, ccVault, Nami
➛ After your favourite wallet setup and sync to the blockchain, create a wallet address according to the wallet's instructions, and withdraw the $ADA you purhased from the exchange to it.
➛ Go to the Staking section of the wallet, search for GRC1, and delegate the amount of $ADA you want to us! That's all! Always have in mind that your $ADA never leave your wallet address. You can Tranfer them, Deposit them back to the exchange and trade them, at any time, on your will!
IMPORTANT: When choosing a pool to delegate, always have a look at it's changes' history: Like how often it changes pledge, margin, and to which direction. There are pools that always act according to their delegation volume silently and without any prior notice which is kinda bad for their delegators. Always choose a pool with stable values on margin and stake. GRC1 will never change it's stake from 1%, regardless the volume of delegators it has. Questions???
NOTICE: Please download and install the wallets ONLY from the official websites. Daedalus DOES NOT have a mobile application version. Questions???
Usefull Statistic links: Cexplorer, PoolTool, Pool.pm, PoolTool, AdaStat
20/Sept/2022: Introducing a unique, hand-made NFT collection Floating Neurons!
08/Aug/2022: A Tool to help Cardano SPOs (and not just them!) to pick winner(s) among their delegators for their airdrops/giveaways/prizes. CardanoSPOSpin
07/July/2022: CF shows his respect to us by selecting GRC1 again. Gives us the courage to continue building on #Cardano. Thank you!
14/Feb/2022: We are proud to be part of SundaeSwap's Reverse ISO pnocedure! Stake with GRC1 for both $SUNDAE tokens and $ADA rewards!
20/Jan/2022: For the 2nd time we earned the CF delegation!. Hard work pays off guys. Stay tuned for more!
12/Jul/2021: Oh well, what a day!!! Today we have been selected by Cardano Foundation as one of the pools that will receive their Delegation support for the upcoming period!. 14,6M ADA will be with US for the next 2-3 months. Let's hope this boost will bring new users to our pool so we can mint more frequently in the future.
14/Feb/2021: Our network is growing FAST! 9 Relays in total, of which 6 are running at countries where presence is very poor. We will costantly look after distant places to expand our relay network
07/Feb/2021: Two new Relays, one in Jakarta and one in New Jersey are up and running! 6 in total now! Let's see which country is next!
01/Feb/2021: Two new Relays, one in India and one in Greece are up and running! We're do our best to make GRC1's network as stable and accurate as it has to be. Within a couple of months from now there will be 4 more Relays: one in NY and then in Africa, Singapore, and Australia
31/Jan/2021: Epoch 243 and 244 was kinda disappointing but 245 has hit over 100% luck, eventhough we lost some big delegators because of that. I'm sure we'll gain their trust again, perfect things to come are ahead of us
28/Jan/2021: The 10th block reward is not as sweet as the 1st one, i admit it!
16/Jan/2021: Soooo! We BET this epoch 242 will be an awesome one, getting into it with +8 new delegators. Thank you for your trust guys, we won't dissapoint you.
12/Jan/2021: The 2nd relay is up n running. There will be much more soon enough so that our Producer will be always in near-zero Tip difference!.
26/Oct/2020: Our 1st block ever is already there!!! Since 26Oct2020 07:41:24am. With a chance of leading one at 0.02%, we hit a 5000% luck. Well, it's not a matter of just luck. It's a matter of a professional setup guys. Jump in the train and you wont regret it.
14/Oct/2020: Draft website is up 'n' running!!! More updates and content will be added frequently. Stay tuned!
9/Oct/2020: Invitation has been sent out to waiting private investigators to stack their ADA in GRC1 Pool. We can't wait for the Live Stake to increase!!! So exited!!!
8/Oct/2020: The first - GRC1 - pool is set up 'n' running. Consists of the minimum 1Producer and 1Relay in an infrastructure in NL. Pledge is set up at 10k ADA, and a non-changing 1% Margin. Eventhough, for starters, the Owner's wallet hold approx. 32k ADA.
Check out GRC1 Pool live statstics.